Thursday, October 23, 2014

Secret Social Media Strategy Used By 7 Figure Earners

Article by Edward Liew
I do not usually talk about social media as I am not an expert in this niche. However, I learnt something very valuable recently during a mastermind session with fellow internet marketers. I was told that this strategy is what all the 6 to 7 figure income earners are using on their social media platform.
By using this strategy, I hope you will reap higher success in your social media. So, what is this secret strategy?

"Talk About Yourself"

Well, you may have heard that the way to build a following on social networks, for example, Twitter, is to promote other people's work. People don't want to hear you talk about yourself all the time, right?
This advice is well-meaning and sounds good on the surface. But, it's also wrong.

Promoting other people's work and sharing links to interesting articles is fine, but do not expect that merely doing that will help you gain followers or attention. People follow you (or your business) because that's what they are interested in - You.

For example, I follow "Mr X" tweets and posts because I am interested in what he has to say. If he spent all his time talking about other people and mentioning his other fans, I would not as interested.
What should you talk about online? It's simple: Talk about yourself and your business. Really. If people do not like what you do or say, they can unfollow you, but chances are that you will gain far more followers than you lose.

Finally, remember that online social networks are merely reflections of what is happening elsewhere. Want more Twitter followers? Then do something interesting... away from Twitter.

In other words, what you do offline can affect your online success in social media. Share with your fans on your life and your business. Tell them more about yourself and your family. We are, after all, humans and humans like connections.

Connect with your fans on a superficial level and you will reap superficial results. Connect them to your heart and your results will blow your mind away!

Beside Twitter, the other popular social networks platform used by the high income earners, include Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Facebook and Instagram allow photo to be posted. YouTube allow videos to be uploaded. But if you are an introvert and is shy about letting the world see you, you can skip YouTube for now.

by Edward Liew

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